6,586 lbs year to date
Month of March - 196 volunteers, 2,245 lbs in 21 x 13 and 62 x 40USG trash bags
Month of February -
Month of January - 115 volunteers picked up 2,265 lbs of litter. 7 x 13 and 62 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of December -125 volunteers, 1,247 lbs in 4 x 13 and 30 x 40 USG trash bags,
2024 - 27,449 lbs by 2,468 volunteers = 11 lb/volunteer. 200 x 13 USG and 578 x 40USG bags.
Month of November - 232 volunteers, 3,000 lbs in 14 x 13 and 50 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of October - 233 volunteers, 1,697 lbs in 10 x 13 and 57 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of September - 278 volunteers, 1,872 lbs
Month of August - 215 volunteers, 2,401 lbs of trash in 12 x 13 and 21 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of July - 158 volunteers, 2,229 lbs of “junk” in 14 x 13 and 43 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of June - 224 volunteers, 3,006 lbs of “junk” in 11 x 13 and 61 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of May - 130 volunteers, 1,170 lbs of litter in 9 x 13 and 39 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of April - 371 volunteers, 2,776 lbs of trash in 36 x 13 USG and 71 x 40USG trash bags
Month of March - 257 volunteers picked up 2,798 lbs in 31 x 13 USG and 49 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of February - 77 volunteers collected 2,030 lbs in 19 x 13 USG and 26 x $0 USG trash bags
January- 127 volunteers collected 2,714 lbs in 30 x 13 USG and 71 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of December - 126 volunteers collected 1,505 lbs in 12 x 14 USG and 31 x 40 USG bags
Month of November - 195 volunteers collected 2,161 lbs. in 26 x 13 USG and 62 x 40 USG bags
Month of October - 167 volunteers collected 1,890 lbs. in 7 x 13 USG and 44 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of September - 303 volunteers collected 2.654 lbs in. 9 x 13 USG and 73 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of August -174 volunteers collected 1,768 lbs in 11 x 13 USG and 60 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of July - 172 volunteers collected 2.097 lbs in 31 x 13 USG and 51 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of June - 135 volunteers collected 1,882 lbs in 22 x 13 USG and 44 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of May - 109 volunteers collected 1,518 lbs in 6 x 13 USG and 37 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of April - 231 volunteers collected 3.551 lbs in 22 x 13 USG and 76 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of March - 179 volunteers collected 4,806 lbs in 8 x 13 USG and 49 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of February - 161 volunteers collected 2,336 lbs in 9 x 13 USG and 55 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of January - 215 volunteers collected 7.089 lbs in 8 x 13 USG - 89 x 40 USG trash bags
- 2022 -
- 2,047 volunteers picked up 41,733 lbs of litter in 183 x 13 USG + 854 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of December - 3,872 lbs by 148 volunteers in 6 x 13 USG and 69 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of November - 3,637 lbs by 107 volunteers in 7 x 13 USG and 90 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of October - 2,966 lbs by 236 volunteers in 15 x 13 USG and 47 x 40 USG trash bags. A 33 lbs trash can dug out of sand.
Month of September - 2,261 lbs by 276 volunteers. 7+ x 13USG and 60 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of August - 1,896 lbs by 116 volunteers including 125 from Mryna. 20 x 13USG and 53 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of July - 2,332 lbs of trash by 152 volunteers in 17 white (13 USG) and 46 black trash bags. Myrna contributed 230 lbs & Sabine 204. Okaloosa -117 lbs by 20 volunteers
Month of June - 2,602 lbs of trash was collected by 70 volunteers in 17 white and 35 black garbage bags. Myrna & Sabine - 671 lbs!
Month of May - 3,212 lbs of trash was collected by 190 volunteers in 24 white 13 USG and 81 black 40 USG trash bags
May 7 & 8th - four sites, 38 volunteers, 451 lbs in 12 x 13 and 14 x 40 USG trash bags
Apr 28th 1,604 lbs by 26 volunteers in 40+ x 40 USG trash bags
Apr 22 -27th 808 lbs by 104 volunteers in 16 x 13 and 8 x 40 USG trash bags plus debris
Apr 15 -18th 824 lbs was collected by 62 volunteers at 6 sites in >22 x 40 USG bags
Apr 9th Two cleanups by Ocean Hour yielded 488 lbs in 3 x 13 and 12 x 40 USG trash bags by 44 volunteers. 21 volunteers from UWF collected a further 56 lbs
Apr 2nd 816 lbs at three organized sites sites ~400 lbs of lumber. A further 126 lbs by individuals
Mar 19th 1,059 lbs along Bayfront by 45+ volunteers in 29 x 40 USG trash bags
Mar 12th Two parks - 260 lbs by 28 volunteers
Mar 5th 41 volunteers picked up 480 lbs of litter and a further 86 lbs by 4 volunteers on the 6th. Two people picked up 55 lbs around 11 mile creek bridge
Feb 26th three sites for a total of 1,064 lbs in 23 x 40 and 4 x 13 USG trash bags. During the week Myrna collected 110 lbs and Josh 31 lbs in 1 x 40 USG trash bag
Feb 19th 3 sites with 63 volunteers and 2 x 13 and 17 x 40 uSG trash bags
Feb - Simpson River - 3 volunteers, 138 lbs and 3 x 40 USG + debris. Cecil Pool - 7 vol, 38 lbs, NLO 9 and 27 lbs, Mass Ave 2 vols & 97 lbs, Hwy 98 at Daniel Dr where 1 vol picked up 18 lbs, St Joseph Cemetery 2 vol and 28 lbs.
Feb 5th four sites totalling 468 lbs, 47 volunteers and 16 x 40 USG bags + debris
Jan 22nd 17 volunteers gathered 476 lbs in 26 x 40 and 3 x 13 USG trash bags
Jan 15th - 41 volunteers picked up 425 lbs in 17 x 40 USG trash bags at two Scenic Hwy parks
For month of January - 1st Park West 4 lbs, 6&7th - 70 lbs GB - Shoreline and 18 lbs on Scenic Hwy. 12 lbs @ Park West on the 18th. The 19th 115 lbs along Jones Creek and 18 at NLO. 24th at Park West 2 people picked up 24 lbs in 1 x 40 USG bag
—- 2021 —
Up to end of December - 17 lbs along Scenic Hwy, 154 lbs along Mobile Hwy and 47 lbs @ NLO
Dec 4 & 5th Three sites, 379 lbs in 13 x 40 USG trash bags
Nov 27th Earlier Daniel picked up 102 lbs of litter and two auto and one truck tire. Regular cleanup was 376 lbs by 20 volunteers in 14x 40 USG trash bags plus wood. On the 28th 7 volunteers collected 70 lbs in 5 bags
Nov 20 & 21st Four sites - 68 volunteers, 750 lbs in 31 x 40 USG and 7 x 13 USG trash bags
Nov 13 & 14th Out at the beach 572 lbs of trash picked up by 49 volunteers in 9 x 40 and 2 x 13 USG bags - also some wood. Meanwhile at Simpson River 3 people collected 48 lbs.
During the week once again Myrna along Hwy 90 in Pace gathered ~100 lbs and Sabine 33 lbs
Nov 6th 37 volunteers collected 193 lbs at two Scenic Hwy parks in 6 x 13 and 10 x 40 USG trash bags
Week of Oct 23rd - Main cleanup at Sanders Beach of 270 lbs by 22 vols in 9 x 40 trash bags. ~400 lbs at Simpson River boat ramp, 35 lbs along the walkways @ NLO and 16 lbs in one 40 USG trash bags at Bartram Park
Oct 16th & 17th 25 volunteers collected 345 lbs of trash in 14 x 40 trash bags. So far this year, one volunteers averages 16.6 lbs per hour picked up
Oct 9th 607 lbs in 17 x 40 and 3 x 13 USG bags by 40 volunteers. A plastic drum & thick, thick rope
Oct 2nd 333 lbs by 69 volunteers
Sep 25th 65 volunteers picked up 1,867 lbs of marine debris. Preserved wood, fishing poles/line, tire and trash. 16+ x 40 USG trash bags
Sep 18th 677 lbs at two sites in 5 x 13 and 22 x 40 USG trash bags
Sep 11th - 502 lbs collected at 3 sites in 5 x 13 and 27 x 40 USG bags
Month of September - Last week Myrna collected 200 lbs on Mobile Hwy and two vols picked up 20 lbs along Hwy 98 @ NLO 21st Josh @ Ft Pickens 12 lbs in 1 x 12 USG bag and Jen & Tory @ Bay Bluffs 15 lbs in 3 x 40 bags. 15th Becky & Joe 20 lbs on Hwy 98 14th Tory 10# on Hwy 90.The 11th saw 2 people collect 80 lbs on Mobile Hwy. On the 10th cleanup of Simpson River boat ramp on Hwy 90 in Pace - 40 lbs. 4th 74 lbs on Mobile Hwy by 1 person
Sep 4th 324 lbs at NLO by 37 volunteers in 10 x 40 and 2 x 13 USG bags - misc stuff also. A further 14 people collected 141 lbs in 10 x 40 USG bags
Aug 28th Two areas cleaned for 752 lbs in 17 x 40 USG trash bags, 5 tires and general debris - pipe etc. In the morning 3 volunteers on Hwy 98, GB proper gathered another ~50 lbs
Aug 21st two cleanups again. 285 total lbs in 7 x 13 and 11 x 40 USG trash bags
Aug 14th two cleanups of 301 lbs by 19 volunteers in 14 x 40 USG bags
Month of August 2nd one vol 20 lbs, 8th one vol 60 lbs, 12th two vols 30 lbs, 13th one vol 14 lbs in Milton and another 45 lbs Mobile Hwy. 25th two - Fairlands Milton for 27 lbs by 2 volunteers, 9.5 lbs at NLO by two volunteers (total of 2 x 20 & 2 x 13 gal bags). 30th 4x 40 USG trash bags containing 30 lbs on Fairland by two people
Aug 7th 214 lbs in 3 x 13 and 15 x 40 USG trash bags by 23 volunteers
Jul 31 two cleanups - 30 lbs in 1x 13 and 1x40 USG trash bags at NLO and 45 lbs in 3 x 13 and 1 x 40 USG at Bruce
Jul 24th Standard litter of 191 lbs and 1,000+ lbs of preserved wood by 36 volunteers. 4 x 13 and 4 x 40 USG trash bags
Jul 17th 570 lbs of trash by 31 volunteers in 6 x 13 and 25 x 40 USG trash bags
Jul 10th 286 lbs collected by 26 volunteers in 1 x 13 and 13 x 40 USG trash bags
Month of July Myrna along Mobile Hwy - 100 lbs from 06/27 to 07/03. Another 100+ lbs this past week. Myrna, Sabine and Beverly picked up 70 lbs the week of the 26th
Jul 3rd 338 lbs in 3 x 13 and 13 x 40 USG bags by 24 volunteers
Jun 26th Today’s haul included thick (3” dia+) rope, cloth from bag used at construction site for filtering water, lumber and a fridge that has been on the beach a longggg time! Loose trash was collected in 11 x 40 trash bags
Jun 12th 316 lbs by 23 volunteers at the two parks on Scenic Hwy - Chimney and Bay Bluffs. Three x 13 and 7 x 40 USG trash bags
Jun 5th NLO for 102 lbs by 8 volunteers in 6 x 13 and 5 x 40 USG bags. At Bruce Beach 7 volunteers 123 lab in 8 x 40 trash bags
Month of June 1st Beulah Park 40 lbs. 2nd Two cleanups, one along Warren Rd in Milton of 10 lbs in a 40 USG trash bag. Second along Carpenter Creek Dr of 16 lbs in one trash bag. 3rd Another 19 lbs at Beulah Park. 4th Two volunteers along Mobile Hwy for 20 lbs. Week of 5th 30 lbs each at WildLake, Klondike Rd and Mobile Hwy 17th 26 lbs on Scenic Hwy in 1 x 40 trash bag. 15th 15 lbs in one 40 USG bag by one volunteer. 16th two volunteers, 10 lbs in two 13 USG bagsOn the 17th one person picked up 23 lbs in a 40 USG bag. 24th one 40 USG bag weighing 18 lbs. 30th Josh @ NLO 26#’s in one 40 use bag
May 29th 244 lbs by 11 volunteers in 13 x 40 and 2 x 13 USG trash bags. One small tire
May 22nd - 14 x 40 and 1 x13 USG trash bags by 22 volunteers for 385 lbs
May Individuals - up to May 21st there were seven cleanups in 11 hours for a total of 396 lbs of roadside trash
May 15th 46 volunteers collected 535 lbs in 3 x 13 and 19 x 40 USG trash bags. Odd things - boat battery, crab traps, golf bag and large plastic storage box
May 8th Three sites with 31 volunteers, 263 lbs in 4 x 13 and 11 40 USG bags. A lot of debris
May 1st A lot of wood at NLO - 300 lbs? 16 volunteers picked up 94 lbs. At the bridge, 26 volunteers collected 188 lbs. Total trash bags - 6 x 13 and 13 x 40 USG.
Apr 24th 354 lbs of trash at 3 sites in six garbage bags
Apr Individuals 2nd - Two volunteers 39 lbs on Scenic Hwy. 4th one person, 7 lbs @beach. 5th Fairlands Milton 74 lbs by four people. 8th 74 lbs on Mobile Hwy and 62 lbs at Hulbert Field’s Legal Office. 9th 16 lbs at Chimney Park by one volunteer. 22nd 5 people picked up 55 lbs in 3 x 40 USG trash bags along Hwy 90 in Floridatown
Apr 10th 516 lbs by 34 volunteers in 13+ x 40 USG bags
Apr 3rd Total for day of 609 lbs by 36 people in 4 x 13 and 23 x 40 USG trash bags
Mar 27th For the week, 28 volunteers @ Ft Pickens collected 470 lbs and at Veterans Park/Bayfront Pkwy 369 lbs. All told, 918 lbs gathered in 16 x 13 USG and 27 x 40 USG trash bags. Two volunteers worked along Mobile Hwy - estimate 28 lbs
Mar 21st Four volunteers collected 67 lbs of litter along Warren RD - Milton in 5 x 40 USG trash bags
Mar 20th Two sites, 45 volunteers, 726 bags in 4 x 13 USG and 26 x 40 USG trash bags.
Mar 13th Four sites, 56 volunteers, 718 lbs in 12 x 40 USG trash bags and a lot of wood
Mar 6th 523 lbs at Bruce Beach in 12 x 40 and 1 x13 USG trash bags. 94 lbs in 1 x13 and 2 x 40 USG trash bags and debris in Navarre
Mar 5th Two volunteers at NLO and 15 lbs in one 13 and one 40 USG bag
Mar 1st One volunteer collecting and one entering data into MyCoast - 47 lbs in two 40USG trash bags
Feb 27th Four sites with 40 volunteers collected 551 lbs. 18 x 40 USG and 3 x 13 USG trash bags
Week of Feb 20th For the week, 1096 lbs at 5 locations around Pensacola Bay. 63 volunteers
Feb 13th At three sites, 566 lbs collected in 10 x 13 and 11 x 40 trash bags by 36 volunteers. Included were 16 (10 lbs ea) of oyster floats
Feb 11th One volunteer, 726 steps on Scenic Hwy picked up 60 lbs in 2 x 40 USG trash bags. One cellphone
Feb 9th Four volunteers picked up 65 lbs of trash along Scenic Hwy in 3 x 13 and 1 x 40 bags
Feb 6th One volunteer picked up 8 lbs in one x 13 USG trash bags
Jan 31st 132 lbs in 8 x 40 bags @ Bruce Beach and 99 lbs in 7 x 40 bags by 4 volunteers
Jan 30th 56 volunteers collected 828 lbs in 6 x 13 USG and 16 X 40 USG trash bags and a lot of debris.
Jan 23rd A combination of three organized and two individuals produced 661 lbs of trash by 86 volunteers in 14 x 13 USG and 26 x 40 USG trash bags
Jan 16th Two sites - both ends of Bob Sikes Bridge by 13 volunteers, 324 lbs in 10 x 13 and 7 x 40 trash bags - tires and a jets seat. In Pensacola @ Graffiti Bridge, 15 volunteers collected 10 x 40 USG trash bags, piping, crab cages
Jan 10 & 13th Two separate, individual cleanups along Scenic Hwy for a total of 159 lbs in 2 x 40 and 1 x 13 USG trash bags
Jan 9th 753 lbs by 43 volunteers at three sites in 11 x 13 USG, 22 x 42 USG trash bags and miscellaneous “stuff”
Jan 2nd 153 lbs by 11 volunteers in 4 x 13 and 6 x 42 USG trash bags
Dec 26th There were 9 x 40 USG and 5 x 13 USG trash bags filled with 219 lbs of garbage
Dec 19th Twenty three volunteers collected 676 lbs of trash at two sites in 4 x 13 USG and 13 x 55 USG trash bags
Dec 12th 555 lbs picked up by 33 volunteers at two sites in 3 x 13 USG, 4 x 40 and 13 x 40 USG trash bags
Dec 5th Nine volunteers picked up 154 lbs in 7 x 55 USG bags and 69 lbs by 20 people in 8 x 13 and 3 x 40 USG bags
Nov 28th 454 lbs by 12 volunteers in 7 13 and 55 USG bags. A further 88 lbs on the other side of the bay
Nov 26th Two volunteers picked up 137 lbs along Bayfront Pkwy in 7 x 55 trash bags
Nov 21 st 420 lbs by 23 volunteers in 12 x 13 and 7 x 55 USG bags
Nov 18th At Navarre Beach 44 lbs
Nov 14th Park West - 7 volunteers in 5x13 USG and 2x 40 USG trash bags - 94 lbs. Wayside, 7 vols, 143 lbs and Graffiti Bridge 6 vols, 2x40 USG and 9x 55 USG bags for 439 lbs
Nov 7th NLO, 17 volunteers and 122 lbs. One volunteer at Blackwater with 20 lbs
Oct 17th At Bay Bluffs 24 volunteers picked up 87 lbs in 4 x 55 USG and 137 lbs collected by 18 people in 9 x 13 and 4 x 40 USG trash bags
Oct 14th Two volunteers collected 129 lbs in 5 x 55 USG bags
Oct 12th Two volunteers collected 116 lbs in 5 x 55 and 2 x 40 USG trash bag
Oct 11th Two volunteers collected 179 lbs in 7 x 55 USG trash bags
Oct 4th Two volunteers picked up 16 lbs in two 33 USG trash bags
Oct 3rd Three sites, 8 x 13 and 19 x 33 USG trash bags, 36 volunteers collected 456 lbs
Sep 26th 16 x 55 and 8 x 13 plus a whole lot of items equals 1,020 lbs by 25 volunteers!
Sep 12th Chimney Park 13 volunteers with 135 lbs and 12 volunteers at Bay Bluffs for 108 lbs - 243 total lbs in 3 x 13, 9 x 40 and 5 x 55 USG trash bags
Sep 5th Five cleanups for the week, 3 by individauls. At Bob Sikes Bridge, 89 lbs by 15 people. Three volunteers picked up 110 lbs at NLO in 2 x 55 and 1x40 USG trash bags. The individuals collected 46 lbs.
Sep 1st & 3rd Joe picked up 30#’s along Hwy 98 and on the third Debbie collected 8#’s at Ft Pickens
Aug 29th Total of 187 lbs at two sites. 6+ x 55 USG trash bags. There were 24 volunteers
Week of Aug 22nd 17 Volunteers @ Wayside Park collected 97 lbs in 5 large garbage bags. A further 97 lbs was gathered at Bartram Park in 5 kitchen trash bags by 12 volunteers
Week of Aug 15th 20 volunteers at Graffiti Bridge picked up 246 lbs of trash in 2 x 13 and 7 x 40 USG bags. On 16th 8 lbs by one volunteer at NLO in one 40 use trash bag.
Week of 8th One volunteer at Hobo Beach collected 85 lbs of trash in 5 bags and another volunteer gathered 27 lbs in 2 x 40 USG trash bags
Week of Aug 1st One volunteer picked up 22 lbs in 2 x 40 USG trash bags on Scenic Hwy. Two people gathered 47 lbs at Bay Bluffs and a further 23 lbs at Park West. Another volunteer picked up along Scenic at Bay Bluffs 8 lbs.
Week of Jul 18th Two volunteers by boat picked up 112 lbs in the Bayou, and one person did two cleanups along Hwy 98 - 51 lbs
Week of Jul 11th Two 40USG of trash and 23 water bottles at Chimney Park, 49 lbs by two volunteers @ NLO, a further 16 lbs by 2 people at Park Was and 36 lbs vy volunteer along Scenic Hwy.
Week of Jul 4th Eleven volunteers picked up 154 lbs. Reports of only 5 x 55 and 2 x 40 USG trash bags used
Jun 27th Main site on P’Cola Beach saw 17 volunteers collect 75 lbs in 4 x 40 USG bags. One volunteer in Pensacola collected 29 lbs in 2 x 40 USG trash bags
Jun 20th Three sites: 343 lbs collected by 15+ volunteers in 11+ 13 USG and 11+ 40 USG trash bags
Jun 13th Along Scenic: 22 volunteers at each site - Bay Bluffs 232 lbs in 11 black and 1 white trash bags. Chimney Park 83 lbs in 7 black bags
Jun 6th Two sites, with 21 volunteers and 189 lbs. 2 x 13, 2 x 33 and 4 x 40 USG trash bags. One tire and a pallet
May 30th 117 lbs was collected by 17 volunteers. Trash was in 5 x 13, 2 x 30 and 1 x 44 USG bags
May 23rd Thirteen volunteers used 3 each of 13 & 44 USG bags to collect 107 lbs of trash
May 16th Four sites with 18 volunteers and 181 lbs. Six bags each of 13, 33 and 44 USG
May 9th Chimney Park - 4 volunteers and 87 lbs in 3 x 13 and 1 x 40 USG trash Bags. Bay Bluffs 7 volunteers and 25 lbs
Apr 25th Various sites - Hobo Beach (150 lbs), Navarre (300 lbs), NLO (4 lbs) and Bartram Park (13 lbs)
Apr 18th Two cleanups - one in Gulf Breeze of 61 lbs in 4 x 30 USG bags. A second along Scenic Hwy of 17 lbs in two, 40 USG trash bags
Mar 14th 239 lbs by 27 volunteers in 12 x 13 and 6 x 40 USG trash Bags. 6 volunteers picked up 21 lbs at a new site
Mar 7th 286 lbs in 10 x 40 and 1 x 13 USG trash bags by 46 volunteers
Feb 29th 637 lbs was collected by 58 volunteers in 13 x 13, 26 x 40 and 5 x 55 USG trash bags
Feb 22nd 24 volunteers collected 76 lbs at Sanders Beach and 20 more people collected 189 lbs at Bruce Beach in 1 x 13 and 10 x 40 USG trash bags
Feb 19th Andy picked up carpet at NLO - 110 lbs
Feb 15th A lot (108) volunteers picked up 1,039 lbs in 19 x 13, 31 x 40 and 6 x 55 USG trash bags
Feb 14th Andy & Tammy picked up 126 lbs of trash in 1 x 13 and 4 x 40 USG bags east of Portofino
Feb 10th 24 volunteers picked up 60 lbs of trash in 1 x 13 and 2x 40 USG trash bags
Feb 8th 556 lbs Mowe family 40 lbs at GBHS. Tammy & Andy 67 lbs east of Portofino 3x40 USG bags
Feb 1st Parks on Scenic - 321 lbs by 46 volunteers in 2 x 13 and 6 x 40 USG trash bags
Jan 30th Andy & Tammy were busy at Langdon Beach for 104 lbs
Jan 29th Andy & Tammy gathered 14 lbs on a walk thru of Bruce Beach
Jan 28th Ann & Josh picked up 60 lbs at Ft Pickens
Jan 25th 62 volunteers at three sites at Ft Pickens picked up 372 lbs in 11 x 13 and 8 x 40 USG bags
Jan 24th Andy & Tammy picked up 91 lbs of trash at the second parking lot on the sound side. Four 40 USG trash bags
Jan 18th 220 lbs collected at Wayside in 8 x 13 and 9 x 40 USG trash bags. Graffiti Bridge saw 310 lbs in 1 x 13 and 8 x 40 USG trash bags
Jan 11th 23 volunteers at Bay Bluffs picked up 185 lbs in 11 x 40 and 1 x 13 USG bags. At Chimney, 11 volunteers picked up 195 lbs in the SAME number of bags!
Jan 4th Three locations at Naval Live Oaks yielded 301 lbs of trash in 2 x 13 and 11 x 40 USG trash bags. Thanks to 26 volunteers. 78 lbs was picked up by 13 volunteers at Bob Sikes Bridge in 5 x 40 USG bags
Dec 28th Wow! What a day! 1,239 lbs collected by only 28 volunteers in 26 x 40, 6 x 13 USG trash bags and miscellaneous odd sized debris
Dec 19th Two pickups - Blase & Andy at Hobo beach - 158 lbs in 6 x 40 USG bags. Andy at Bruce Beach - 182 lbs in 5 x 40 trash bags
Dec 16th Andy picked up 25 lbs in 1 x 40 USG bag at Ft Pickens
Dec14th 28 volunteers picked up 313 lbs in 9 x 13 and 5 x 33 USG trash bags at Bay Bluffs Park. A further 83 lbs was collected at Chimney Park by 17 volunteers in 1 x 13, 4 x 33 and 1 x 40 USG trash bags
Dec 13th Andy gathered 255 lbs of debris at Hobo Beach in 4 x 40 USG trash bags
Dec 7th 43 volunteers picked up 240 lbs at two locations in 8 x 13 and 8 x 40 USG trash bags. Curious number 8
Nov 30th 185 lbs by 37 volunteers - 5 lbs per volunteer. Below the normal average of ~ 8 lbs per volunteer
Nov 23rd Sanders, 19 volunteers picked up 109 lbs in 13 x 13 USG bags and one 33 lb. 25 people at Quietwater collected 125 lbs in 8 x 40 and 2 x 13 USG trash Bags. Andy & Tammy picked up a further 74 lbs behind the Langdon Battery at Ft Pickens
Nov 18th Andy picked up 28 lbs of carpet scrap in the median of Hwy 98 at NLO. One large trash bag
Nov 16th 50 volunteers picked up 780 lbs of trash in even more trash bags. Eleven 13 USG and 22 40 USG bags
Nov 9th 231 lbs of trash by 35 volunteers in a lot of garbage bags: 2 x 13, 8 x 33 and 8 x 40 USG trash bags
Nov 2nd Three sites totaling 508 lbs collected by 46 volunteers. One site had 8 x 40 and 1 13 USG bags
Oct 26th Thanks Nicole for ~80 lbs of wood and plastic taken from Star Lake in Pensacola
Oct 19th At the three sites a total of 575 lbs was gathered by 25 volunteers. Three large bags at Bruce Beach and nine at wayside. Note; I had to increase the scale on the banner!
Oct 17th Andy and his brother picked up 3 bags of trash and a tire at Ft Pickens, ~ 50 lbs
Oct 12th 41 volunteers picked up 212 lbs of trash in 10 large bags Bay Bluffs Park. At Chimney, 9 volunteers gathered 28 lbs in 4 bags. Earlier in the week Mary collected 5 lbs at NLO
Oct 5th 29 volunteers picked up 346 lbs of trash in 13 x 40 USG bags at NLO. 7 volunteers at Bob Sites collected 23 lbs in one, 40 USG trash bag.
Sep 28th A BIG contribution from the Third Coast Divers of 765 lbs! 81 volunteers from OceanHour picked up 149 lbs
Sep 21st Total of 625 lbs by 101 volunteers in 6 x 13 USG and 9 x 40 USG trash bags
Sep 14th At Bay Bluffs Park - 30 volunteers picked up 178lbs in 8 x 40 trash bags. A further 199 lbs was collected at Chimney Park by 17 volunteers in 1 x 13 and 5 x 40 USG bags. Mary also picked up 3 lbs along Hwy 98 in Naval Live Oaks
Sept 7th 95 volunteers at three sites cleared out 222 pounds!
Aug 31st 24 volunteers removed 188 lbs of trash
Aug 24th 56 volunteers picked up 211 lbs of trash in 9 x 40 and 3 x 13 USG trash bags
Aug 17th 330 lbs picked up by 45 volunteers at Bartram Park and Pensacola Visitor Centre
Aug 12th Andy picked up another 35 lbs in 3 bags at Ft Pickens
Aug 10th Bay Bluffs 23 volunteers picked up 116 lbs and 9 volunteers collected 112 lbs at Chimney Park
Aug 8th Andy picked up 140 lbs of suspected fibre optic cable on sound side of Ft. Pickens
Aug 7th Andy picked up 190 lbs of trash at Ft. Pickens
Aug 3rd Between NLO and Bob Sikes Bridge 24 volunteers picked up 176 lbs of trash in 3 x 10 and 10 x 40 USG trash bags
Aug 2nd Andy and Blase picked up 130 lbs of trash at Ft Pickens. One large culvert, a tire and 2 x 50 USG bags
Jul 27th Slow day - 16 people at Park West picked up 4 x 40 USG bags of trash weighing 76 lbs. At the Dog Park 5 volunteers picked up 10 lbs in one 13 use bag
Jul 20th 14 volunteers @ PVC picked up 40 lbs in 4 x 13 USG trash Bags. A further 18 lbs of trash was picked up by 7 volunteers at Bartram park
Jul 13th 35 volunteers picked up194 lbs of trash at two sites on Scenic Hwy. 6 x 13 USG and 13 x 4o USG trash bags
Jul 6th 147 lbs at Naval Live Oaks and 57 at Bob Sikes Bridge S.
Jun 29th Included among the 276 lbs of trash were two tires and 1/2 of a metal drum. 36 volunteers picked the trash up in 4 x13, 7 x 33 and 3 x 50 trash bags
Jun 22nd At Quietwater Beach 24 volunteers picked up 90 lbs in 4 x 40 USG bags. 21 people picked up 111 lbs in 12 x 13 and 5 x 33 USG trash bags.
Jun 15th 15 volunteers at Bartram picked up 77 lbs. A lot of Styrofoam. 343 lbs by 8 at Graffitt=I Bridge! And 197 by 18 volunteers at Wayside Park. 23 trash bags - 5 x 13 USG, 4 x 40 and 14 x 50 USG.
Jun 10th Andy at it again for 20 lbs at Ft Pickens
Jun 8th Chimney Park 10 volunteers picked up 134 lbs in 1 x 13 and 7 x 40 USG bags. At Bay Bluffs 24 people picked up a further 164 lbs in 1 x 13, 3 x 40 and 3 x 50 USG trash bags. Also part of a boat!
Jun 1st 62 lbs collected in 2 x 40 trash bags and Andy’s 55 lbs at the beach. At NLO, 76 lbs in 1 x 13 and 7 x 33 USG bags
May 25th At Park West 12 volunteers picked up 19 lbs in 1 large garbage bag. At Bruce Beach 24 volunteers collected 98 lbs in three large bags. Andy was back at it! 152 lbs on Sat and Sun at Ft. Pickens
May 23rd Andy and Tammy were active at Ft Pickens - 47 lbs. Andy returned later in the day for 53 more lbs in a 50 USG trash bag
May 18th At Pensacola Visitor Centre, 116 lbs was placed in 2 x 13 and 8 x 33 USG bags. While at Bartram park, 13 volunteers picked up 38 lbs in 2 large trash bags
May 11th Chimney park saw 12 volunteers pick up 51 lbs of trash in 2 x 13 USG and 4 x 33 USG bags. At Bay Bluffs, 271 lbs was collected by 44 people in 1 x 13 and 7 x 50 USG bags
May 9 th Pensacola Beach ES students picked up 41 lbs
May 6th 140 lbs of trash at Quietwater Beach by Brown Barge MS students
May 4th At NLO 17 volunteers picked up 227 lbs in 4 x 13 and 8 x 40 USG bags and 20 volunteers collected 82 lbs in 4 x 40 USG bags
May 1st Andy picked up a further 13 lbs of marine debris
Apr 29th At Ft Pickens Andy picked up 17 lbs of trash
Apr 27th 53 volunteers picked up 314 lbs of trash including a water heater
Apr 24 th Andy picked up 28 lbs at Ft Pickens
Apr 18th 46 volunteers picked up 429 lbs in 13 x 33 USG trash bags at Wayside and 186 lbs at Bartram in 10 x 13 and 2 x 33 USG bags
Apr 16th 12 volunteers picked up 102#’s in 3 x 33 USG and 5 x 13 USG trash bags plus a chair. Andy picked up a further 59 lbs at Hobo beach
Apr 13th Bay Bluffs Park saw 31 volunteers pick up 265 lbs of trash in 7 x 40 USG bags. At Chimney Park 33 people picked up 208 lbs in 3 x 13 and 7 x 33 USG trash bags
Apr 11th Blase picked up 13 lbs in 1 x 33 USG trash bag on the I-10W on-ramp at Scenic Hwy
Apr 9th Andy picked up 74 lbs in 1 x 40 USG trash bag at Ft. Pickens
Apr 6th 35 volunteers picked up a total of 206 lbs of trash in 1 x 13 and 7 x 33 USG bags
Apr 3rd Andy picked up 32 lbs at Ft. Pickens
Mar 30th 10 volunteers picked up 47 lbs of trash in 7 x 30 USG trash bags at Payne’s bridge. A further 288 lbs were picked up by 45 volunteers at Bruce Beach
Mar 23rd 55 volunteers picked up 180lbs. Quietwater - 2 x 13 and 1 x 33 USG trash bags
Mar 16th 227 lbs 13 volunteers picked up 46 lbs in 3 x 13 USG bags
Mar 12th Andy picked up another 147 lbs at Ft Pickens in 4 x 40 USG trash bags
Mar 11th Andy picked up 133 lbs in 4 x 40 USG trash bags on soundside at Ft Pickens
Mar 9th 57 volunteers picked up 405 lbs of debris at two sites on Pensacola Bay in 10 x 13 and 11 x 33 USG bags
Mar 5th Andy picked up 147 lbs at Hobo Beach. 2 x 40 USG bags, tire and miscellaneous stuff
Mar 9th 405 lbs collected by 57 volunteers at two locations in 10 x 13USG and 11 x 33 USG trash bags. Auto rear view mirror, water bottles and cig butts
Mar 2nd Three locations, 85 volunteers, 428 lbs and 4 x 13, 7 x 33 and 1 x 40 USG trash bags
Feb 23rd Three locations totaling 355 lbs. 52 water bottles and coincidence the same # of volunteers
Feb 16th Two sites with a total of 66 volunteers, 439 lbs in 1 x 13, 16 x 33 and 1 x 40 USG trash bags
Feb 9th 3 sites for the week - 734 lbs by 66 volunteers (11.1 lb/volunteer). 2 x 13, 23 x 33 and 2 x 55 USG trash bags
Feb 2nd 409 lbs picked up by 47 volunteers (8.7lbs/volunteer) in 2 x 13 and 24 x 33 USG trash bags
Jan 26th So many lbs this month had to change scale! 1,140 lbs collected by 140 volunteers (8.1 lbs/volunteer) in 10 x 13, 14 x 33 and 12 x 55 USG trash bags. Includes 2 tires and shotgun shells
Jan 19th Two sites totaling 539 lbs in 2 x 13, 23 x 33 and 2 x 55 trash bags
Jan 12th At the two sites on Scenic, 104 volunteers picked up 601 lbs in numerous trash bags
Jan 5th There were four sites. 57 volunteers at the south end of Bob Sikes Bridge picked up 831 lbs of debris
Jan 3rd One volunteer picked up 213 lbs in 5 x 55 USG trash bags at Hobo Beach
Dec 29th 179 lbs picked up in 5 x 33 and 2 x 13 USG bags brought yearly total to 17,848 Lbs. Andy & Tammy collected a further 251 lbs in 6 x 33 USG bags to put us well over 18,000 Lbs!!
Dec 26th Andy by himself collected another 188 lbs in 5 x 40 USG bags
Dec 22nd New site with 23 volunteers picking up 710 lbs! in 6 x 13 and 23 x 40 usg trash bags
Dec 15th Two sites for a total of 186 lbs in 11 x 13 and one 40 USG trash bags
Dec 8th Three sites for a total of 508 lbs at three sites. 14 x 13 usg, 3 x 33 and 4 x 40 usg trash bags
Dec 1st 10 volunteers picked up 50 lbs of marine debris in 2 x 13 and one 33 usg trash bag
Nov 28th 108 lbs picked up by 1 volunteer and a second 2 lbs of recyclables in a 13 USG trash bag
Nov 24th 31 volunteers picked up 92 lbs at Park West in 3 x 40 and 1 x 13 USG bags.
Nov 17th 33 volunteers picked up 470 lbs in 22 x 40 bags at PVC and 11 volunteers did a further 137 lbs
Nov 15th One volunteer (Andy) picked up 143 lbs of trash in 5 x 40 USG bags on “Hobo Beach”
Nov 10th 31volunteers at Bay Bluffs got 267 lbs; 11 volunteers at Chimney Park picked up 86 pounds and 7 Woodlawn Middle School students got 16 pounds at Quietwater
Nov 3rd 50 volunteers picked up 243 lbs in 5 x 13 and 5 x 33 USG trash bags
Oct 30th Pace High School Anchor Club students at Quietwater 107 pounds
Oct 27th Wow - largest month for lbs - 2,002 lbs. 109 lbs today
Oct 23rd Sharon and Andy picked up 77 lbs on a scouting mission to the east end of Graffiti Bridge
Oct 20th 696 lbs picked up at 2 sites
Oct 13th 356 lbs collected in 16 x 13 and 5 x 40 USG trash bags
Oct 6th Over the four sites 658 lbs of debris was picked up by 58 volunteers. First water craft based cleanup on Bayou Texar
Sep 29th 37 volunteers picked up 269 lbs of trash at the Payne Bridge in 13 x 13 USG and 8 x 33 USG trash bags
Sep 22nd 130 lbs of light plastic and styrofoam picked up - 971 straws at Quietwater Beach AFTER the sand sieve drove over!!!
Sep 15th 637 lbs of beach debris was picked up by 81 Ocean Hour volunteers on Intercoastal Cleanup day
Sep 8th 59 volunteers picked up a lot of styrofoam and plastic bottles in 15x13, 4x33 and 4x40 USG trash Bags. 367 lbs of trash
Sep 1st Between the two sites, 297 lbs of debris was picked up by 31 volunteers. A lot of styrofoam. Trash was placed in 3 x 13 USG, 4 x 33 USG and 4 x 40 USG bags
Aug 25th At two sites 31 volunteers picked up 339 lbs. It took 3x13, 4x33 and 4x40 USG trash bags
Aug 18th 7 volunteers picked up 34 lbs of trash in 2 x 33 USG bags, 17 volunteers picked up 147 lbs in 8 bags
Aug 11 26 volunteers picked up 373 lbs of debris in 13 x 33 gal and 5 x 13 USG trash bags
Aug 4th 128 lbs were picked up at the south end Bob Sikes Bridge by 17 volunteers in 5 x 33 USG trash bags
Jul 28th 33 volunteers picked up 160 lbs of debris in 4 x 33 gal trash bags at Ft Pickens
Jul 21st 12 x 13 USG and 7 x 33 USG trash bags were used by 29 volunteers to pick up 267 lbs of debris at the Pensacola Visitor Centre and Bartram Park
Jul 14th In addition to the 89 lbs that 19 volunteers picked up at Chimney & Bay Bluffs Parks, a further 74 lbs was collected by a home school class and the intrepid Andy. There were 8 x 33 USG, 2 x 13 USG trash bags and 91 one use water bottles
Jul 7th NLO. and both ends of the Bob Sikes bridge saw 32 volunteers picked up 221 lbs of trash. There were 11 x 33 USG and 5x13 USG trash bags
Jun 30th At Bayou Texar 16 volunteers picked up 190 lbs of trash in 7 x 33 USG and 3 x 13 USG garbage bags
Jun 16th Pensacola Visitor Center saw 46 volunteers picked up 271 lbs in 9 large garbage bags and 5 x 13 USG bags
Jun 9th The two regular sites on Scenic Hwy saw 323 lbs collected by 31 volunteers
Jun 2nd At Naval Live Oaks & Bob Sikes bridge 150 lbs of trash was picked up by 27 volunteers
Last week of May At Pensacola Beach two groups (11 volunteers) picked up 102 lbs bringing May total to 1,123 lbs. Year total is 7,040 lbs!
May 19th 18 volunteers filled 4 x 13 and 10 x 40 USG bags with 112 lbs of trash. Two volunteers again picked up trash at Bay Bluffs - 52 lbs
May 12th 169 lbs in 6 x 33 gal and 1 x 13 gal garbage bags. 27 volunteers. Odd items photo in Gallery
May 5th 39 volunteers picked up 542 lbs of debris at Naval Live Oak and Bob Sikes Bridge. A total of 5 tires were also included. Also a further 170 lbs was picked up at Bay Bluffs Park on the 3rd.
Apr 28th 42 volunteers picked up 317 lbs of debris in 6 x 33 USG bags. A lot of water bottle caps, preserved wood and ~200' of copper wire cable
Apr 21st Three sites, 54 volunteers picked up 332 lbs of debris. Paint cans/lids and a chair.
Apr 14th For the three sites, 69 volunteers picked up a wide variety of debris that didn't fit into the 22 x 33 USG garbage bags. Included in the 737 lbs are 7 tires, 2 water heater shells, a fire extinguisher and the usual adult beverage containers
Apr 8th Two volunteers picked up 169 lbs of trash in 7 x 33 USG bags
Mar 31st 388 lbs of trash was collected by 30 volunteers in 2 x 13, 16 x 33 and 5 x 40 USG trash bags. Debris was beverage containers, plastic/styrofoam pieces and cups/plates
Mar 24th 36 volunteers picked up 174 lbs of trash. Total of 7 x 33 USG trash bags of mainly styrofoam, bottle caps and food wrappers
Mar 17th Bartram Park saw 9 volunteers pick up 64 lbs of trash - styrofoam, once off food wrappers and straws were most prevalent. Wayside Park 29 volunteers picked up 386 lbs
Mar 10th 356 lbs of trash was picked up by 18 volunteers in 8 x 40 USG and 2 x 13 USG trash bags
Mar 3rd 62 volunteers picked up 19x33 USG and 3x13 USG trash bags. A rollerblade and car parts
Feb 24th 712 bottle caps!!! A lot of styrofoam of ALL shapes and sizes. 31 volunteers
Feb 17th A lot of styrofoam filled 29 x33 USG garbage bags with 546 lbs of trash. Thanks to the 35 volunteers
Feb 10th 191 lbs was collected in 9 x 33 gal trash bags by 28 volunteers. A lot of glass beer bottles
Feb 3rd 58 volunteers filled 3 x 13 and 8 x 40 USG trash bags with 263 lbs of trash. A lot of cigarette butts and beverage containers.
Jan 27th Three sites at Ft Pickens for 53 volunteers to pick up 455 lbs of trash. 1,388 of trash picked up in January. A very wide variety of "stuff" - tar balls, beach toys, signs, rope/fishing gear etc.
Jan 20th 37 volunteers picked up 157 lbs of trash between the P'cola Visitor Centre and Graffitti Bridge. 8 x 33 gal trash bags worth
Jan 13th between Chimney and Bay Bluffs Parks, 34 volunteers picked up 279 lbs of trash. There were a lot of adult beverage containers, glass especially.
Jan 7th A joint cleanup on bayside of Pensacola Beach from Paradise Bar & Grill to Grand Marlin with Emerald Coast Surfrider. Collected 315 lbs of trash
Jan 6th Between Naval Live Oaks & Bob Sikes Bridge, 182 lbs of light trash was picked up in 2 x 40USG, 3 x 33 and 2 x 5 USG trash bags. A lot of paper and Walmart shopping bags
Dec 16th 14 volunteers picked up 88 lbs of trash at Graffitti Bridge, Bartram Park and Pensacola Visitor Center
Dec 9th 205 lbs collected by 29 volunteers in 6 x 33 USG and 3 x 13 USG trash bags
Dec 2nd Went over 10,000 lbs thanks to the volunteers at NLO, Bob Sikes Bridge and Quietwater Beach
Nov 18th 253 lbs of litter was collected in 11 x 13 and 8 x 30 trash bags. Thanks to the 34 volunteers bringing November's total to 1,233 lbs. Getting close to 10,000 for the year!
Nov 11th 12 volunteers at Chimney Park picked up 206 lbs. 191 lbs were picked up at Bay Bluffs bringing Nov's total to 980 lbs. Other than a TV and nails, styrofoam, beverage containers and personal hygiene products were the most numerous
Nov 4th 61 volunteers picked up 169 lbs of trash (lots of styrofoam and cig butts) and a pickup truck bed of pressure treated wood - ~300 lbs. The other two locations contributed contributed 55 lbs of trash. First week of Nov - 583 lbs.
Nov 1st 18 students and one teacher from Pace HS picked up 59 lbs of trash! Thank you!
Oct 27th By numbers, beverage lids made up the majority of trash. 13 volunteers picked up 62 lbs in 5 x 13 USG bags
Oct 21st Cig butts, styrofoam pieces and what was left by a toilet paper fight at Graffiti Bridge made up 106 lbs of trash collected in8 x 13 USG and 5 x 33 USG bags
Oct 14th Glass bottles made upa lot of the 157 lbs picked up by 18 volunteers. 5 large and 3 x 13 USG bags - car door interior didn't fit. Plastic bottles were numerous
Sep 30th A commercial fishing net with plastic pieces embedded was picked on the beach - close to 50 lbs! Significant number of bottle caps and food wrappers. 217 lbs was collected for a monthly total of 1,152 lbs! This is 3 months in a row >1,000 lbs
Sep 23rd 27 volunteers were at Park West and the Dog Park at PCB. Sep 16th 133 lbs of trash and one computer screen.
Sep 9th 22 volunteers picked up 179 lbs of trash at Bay Bluffs and 22 people picked up 92 lbs at Chimney Park. 3 x 13 and 13 x 33 USG trash bags. OceanHour could use some donated trash bags - thank you!
Sep 2nd 28 volunteers at both ends of Bob Sikes bridge picked up 171 lbs in 6 x 33 USG trash bags. At Naval Live Oaks 15 people collected 119 lbs in 1 x 5 USG and 5 x 33 USG bags. Pieces of styrofoam were very evident
Aug 26th 44 volunteers at new site at Floridatown Park in Pace picked up 162 lbs of trash. Three sites on Pensacola Beach collected a further 180 lbs of trash.
Aug 19th At three sites 23 volunteers picked up 245 lbs of trash in 3 x 13 and 6 x 33 USG bags. Plastic pieces cig butts and beverage cans were most common.
Aug 12th A heart monitor was among the 342 lbs that 37 volunteers picked up! There were 11 x 13 USG and 8 x 40 USG trash bags
Aug 5th 104 lbs picked up by 18 volunteers in 8 x13 trash bags
Jul 29th 11 volunteers picked up 111 lbs of plastic/styrofoam pieces and cig butts. 4 x 13 and 3 x 40 trash bags. In July 1,038 lbs of trash collected
Jul 22nd 25 volunteers picked up cig butts, beverage lids, and plastic pieces totaling 139 lbs. There were 8 x 40 and 3 x 13 USG garbage bags
Jul 15th 40+ adults picked up 430 lbs of cig butts, food wrappers, spray paint cans and micro plastic
Jul 9th A group of 9 adults and six children picked up 105 lbs of trash on Quietwater Beach in < 1 hour. Pointing out the importance of "Refusing the Straw", one volunteer picked up 156 straws in 45 minutes!
Jul 8th It took 9 x 13 and 9 x 33 USG trash bags to collect 139 lbs of styrofoam cups/pieces, beverage containers and cig butts. Thanks to the 18 volunteers
Jul 1st 114 lbs of cig butts, food wrappers and styrofoam cups/pieces. The trash was collected in 10 x 13 USG and 4 x 33 USG bags
Jun 24th 32 volunteers collected 147 lbs of trash in 5 x 13 USG and 14 x 33 USG trash bags. Top three - styrofoam cups, processed food wrappers and cig buts
Jun 17 155 lbs of trash in 5 x 13 USG and 7 x 33 USG bags by 24 volunteers. Cig buts, spray cans and beverage containers
Jun 10 18 volunteers picked up 127 lbs of trash in 4 x 13 USG and 8 x 40 USG bags. Beverage containers and cig butts were most common
Jun 3 4 bags each 13 and 33 gal of cig butts, plastic wrappers and styrofoam was picked up by 17 volunteers. 66 lbs of litter
May 30th 45 lbs of cig butts, plastic straws and food wrappers were picked up by 8 volunteers in 7 x 13 USG trash bags. For the month of May 470 lbs of litter collected
May 20th 23 volunteers picked up 11 x 13 USG and 1 x 33 USG garbage bags weighing 61 lbs.
May 13th Between Chimney and Bay Bluffs parks, 33 volunteers filled 12 x 33 USG and 4 x 13 USG trash bags with 202 lbs of litter
May 6th 25 Volunteers picked up 162 lbs of a wide variety of "stuff"
Apr 29th For the month 1,431 lbs. 70 volunteers picked up 599 lbs in over 40 garbage bags. A lot of food wrappers.
Apr 22nd Cig butts, styrofoam/plastic pieces and 5 tires. Total weight including tires 704 lbs - without 554. 30 volunteers
Apr 15th Lots of styrofoam, straws and bottles made up 78 lb of trash in 5 x 33 gal and one 13 gal trash bags. 17 volunteers
Apr 8th 17 volunteers picked up 145 lbs of beverage containers, styrofoam and cig butts. 9 x 33 gal trash bags and 3 lawn chairs
Apr 1st 55 pounds of glass bottles, cans and wrappers. 14 volunteers
Mar 25th 149 lbs of styrofoam, plastic bottles and a large stanchion. 103 lbs from volunteers at the pier; 46 pounds (4 x 33 gal trash bags) from the Campground registration area.
Mar 18th 133 lbs of beverage containers, styrofoam and cig butts. 13 x 33 gal trash bags
Mar 11th 251 lbs of bottles (all sorts), styrofoam and debris. Pickup bed liner, car front bumper and two lawn chairs. 11 x 33 gal trash bags
Mar 4th 310 lbs of cig butts, styrofoam (all sizes) and plastic food wrappers. 8 x 33 gal trash bags
Feb 24 & 25th 130.5 lbs of plastic food wrappers, cig butts, and styrofoam were picked. Oddities were a car jack and two fishing rods. 2x33 USG and 2x13 USG trash bags.
Feb 18th 377 lbs. of styrfoam/plastic of all sizes and shapes. Food containers with a lawn chair. there were 12 x 33 gal trash bags.
Feb 11th 110 lbs of beverage containers, food wrappers and cig butts at Chimney Park. The same trash at Bay Bluffs but 89 lbs. 8 x 33 gal trash bags.
Feb 4th The 85 lbs of beer cans, beer bottles and food wrappers. 2 x 33 gallon and 3 kitchen bags with a small table.
Jan 28th Along the beach styrfoam, food wrappers and bottles. Bags, food wrappers and cigarette butts were most common on the sides of roadways. Total of 1x35 gal bag and 5x13 gal bags.
Jan 14th Beverage containers, cig butts food wrappers. 9 x 33 gallon trash bags. Unique - 3 plastic lawn chairs.
Jan. 7th Cig butts, food wrappers and styrofoam. 4 x 33 gallon trash bags