A New Year! 2025!

Jan 10th - Thanks to an Impact 100 grant, Ocean Hour projects around the city continue! Fourth water bottle fill station (cold water) was installed/activated at Roger Scott Athletic Complex. The station is located at the concession stand next to Field 1. Since the refrigeration was activated over the holidays, 95 water bottles have been filled. I will report on totals in the coming months

After two Saturdays in 2025, 862 lbs of litter have been picked up at water side parks in Okaloosa, Gulf Breeze and Pensacola

Dec 21st Quite a week!!

Received a large donation from Surfing’s Evolution & Preservation Foundation.

Mryna reached her goal of 5,000+ lbs of litter collected.

Thru the efforts of OH, Gulf Breeze & Oriole Beach Elementary Schools, Bayview Park and Gulf Coast Turtle Watch are collecting aluminum cans. Total to be announced at a later date

13 people braved the cold to pick up 77 lbs of litter at 3 parks - Mahler, Wayside and Veterans